Hoe zit dat nou eigenlijk met Toronto?
Hier voor de duidelijkheid wat info en cijfers:
*Toronto is home to the world's tallest free-standing structure, the CN Tower standing 1,815 feet (553 meters) tall. (zie foto!)
*The 2006 population of Toronto is 2,503,281, which represents 45% of the GTA’s
total population of 5,555,912. (GTA staat voor Greater Toronto Area, Toronto + aangrenzende dorpen/steden)
*One quarter of Canada’s population lives within a 160 km radius of Toronto
*Toronto has a long winter (about five months, mid-November-mid-April), short spring (mid-April-May) and fall (October-mid-November) and a four-month summer (June-September).
*All bars, billiard and bingo halls, restaurants, dinner theatres and bowling centres, casinos and racetracks are now required to be smoke-free.
*There are 100 + languages spoken throughout the city
*Toronto is the largest and most important, financial centre in all of Canada and the fourth largest, important economic centre in all of North America. Only New York city, Chicago and Los Angeles are larger financial centres.
*Yonge Street is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest street in the world, stretching 1,896 km from the lakeshore in Toronto, north to Rainy River, Ontario, near the Minnesota border.
*Toronto is the third largest centre for English language theatre in the world, behind New York City and London.
*About 25% of films produced in Hollywood are actually filmed in Toronto, making it North America's 3rd largest TV and movie production venue.
*Toronto's public transit system is the second largest in North America and has the highest per capita ridership rate on the continent
*The Toronto Zoo is home to more than 5,000 animals.
*Toronto is North America's 5th-largest city after Mexico City, New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago.
*North America's largest continuous underground pedestrian system PATH, connects about 1200 stores and restaurants, 50 office towers, five subway stations, Union Station, six major hotels and several entertainment centres under Toronto's financial core.
3 opmerkingen:
Welke tower bedoel je nou?
Nee Gerard, ik bedoel niet de twin towers!
ik dacht al dat ik dubbel zag...
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